It is getting very close to Halloween and we are getting very excited thinking about all of the fun we will have. We have been working very hard during our first 50 days of kindergarten and now it is time to have a little holiday fun! We have made some really cute things this year to get ready for Halloween. We have tried to contain our excitement and take Halloween a piece at a time. Here is a snapshot of what we have been doing...
Five Little Pumpkins
This is always one of my favorite Halloween stories- it is cute and predictable so the kids love it. We worked together in committees to retell each page of the story. I was very impressed with how well they were able to plan and work together.
Pumpkin Estimation
We estimated how tall we thought our pumpkin would be and how big around. We had a few people who guessed correctly!
We read the book, I Want My Mummy and made text to self connections after we read the book. We also made our own mummies and had a delicious mummy snack.
Boo Who Are You?
We made trick-or-treaters to get us in the Halloween spirit. The kids had fun guessing who everyone was.
Shape Monsters
We read the book I Need My Monster (so funny) by Amanda Noll and made our own monster glyphs. They turned out even cuter than I imagined.
Go Away Big Green Monster!
We read Ed Emberly's book Go Away Big Green Monster! and made our own monsters to go along with it. We also worked on our color words to fill out our monster key.
Jack-o-lantern Bar Graphs
We graphed the ways that we would carve our pumpkins and talked about the results. It turns out that most of the students in my class would carve thier pumpkin with triangle eyes and a triangle nose with a regular smile (no teeth).
Candy Corn
Each child traced the pieces of the candy corn, cut them out and glued it together. They are so simple, but they look so cute hanging in our room.
We have learned all about bats. We read Stellaluna and discussed what we knew about bats. made a They each wrote one fact that they learned about bats and soda can bat to hang in our "bat cave" in the hall. It think they turned out pretty cute :)
Pumpkin Sequencing
We read the book Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington which tells about the life cycle of a pumpkin. Next, we made our own pumpkin life cycles. We folded our paper to make our pumpkins into pockets for our sequencing cards. Here is the link for the great little cards.